Tuesday, August 31, 2010

IPADE has developed two short but intensive one week seminars to the Top MBA students

IPADE has developed two short but intensive one week seminars to give Top MBA students from around the world the opportunity to interact and enrich their business culture through an experience in Mexico.

With the MBA International Weeks foreign students have the opportunity to experience Mexican business culture in an intensive week. They can also enrich their interaction with other Mexican and foreign MBA participants and explore the situations that affect Mexico, Latin America and their relationship with other countries.

Dates and deadlines:

  1. Mexican Tourism a worldwide concept 2011:
    January 10th to 14th, 2011
    Registration deadline: November 15th, 2010

  2. Doing Business in Mexico 2011:
    March 7th to 12th, 2011
    Registration deadline: February 15th, 2011


Beatriz Guzman
Director International Office

IPADE Business School
T. + 52 (55) 53.54 1800 (ext.1393) direct. + 52 (55) 5354.1847
F.+ 52 (55)12.50 .1602