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Julie Lankford - Director,
Global Health
at Vanderbilt University Medical
Center Vanderbilt University (USA)
Como enfrentar um contexto de rápidas transformações e turbulência econômica como a vivida atualmente pelo Brasil? Há vários caminhos possíveis. E a Manserv, empresa que atua em manutenção, facilities, logística e tecnologia, escolheu o caminho da inovação e da busca por novas posições a serem ocupadas no mercado. Desenvolver um projeto sintonizado com esse objetivo foi o desafio dos alunos da turma 6 do Americas MBA.
O diretor-geral da Marserv Ricardo Moreira ficou bem-impressionado com o grupo de alunos, que ele define como “pessoas muito talentosas, capazes de ajudar nossa compreensão para chegarmos ao caminho mais inteligente para ocupar esses novos espaços que almejamos na América Latina”. Para os alunos, foi uma experiência impactante e geradora de importantes aprendizados, como eles relatam na série de posts que publicaremos a partir de hoje.
O diretor-geral da Marserv Ricardo Moreira ficou bem-impressionado com o grupo de alunos, que ele define como “pessoas muito talentosas, capazes de ajudar nossa compreensão para chegarmos ao caminho mais inteligente para ocupar esses novos espaços que almejamos na América Latina”. Para os alunos, foi uma experiência impactante e geradora de importantes aprendizados, como eles relatam na série de posts que publicaremos a partir de hoje.
How to face a
context of rapid change and economic turmoil as currently experienced in Brazil?
There are several possible ways. And Manserv, company engaged in maintenance,
facilities, logistics and technology, chose the path of innovation and search
for new positions to be occupied in the market. Developing a tuned project for
this purpose was the students’ challenge in the class 6 of the Americas MBA.
The general director of
Marserv Ricardo Moreira was quite impressed
with the group of students, which he defines as "very talented people,
able to help our understanding in order
to get to the most intelligent path aiming at taking these new areas we aspire to in Latin America”. For the students,
it was an impactful experience, which generated important learning, as they
report in the series of posts that we publish as of today.
We start with Julie Lankford, who is director of
the nonprofit organization Global Health Initiatives and student of our partner
school Vanderbilt University.
“The Americas MBA experience has been an incredibly challenging and enriching experience. Not only did I have the opportunity to learn how to better work as a member of an international team, I was also exposed to an entirely new industry: integrated facilities management. The Capstone project provided the opportunity to effectively apply many of the skills learned in the first year of the program, including my understanding of macroeconomic principles as the team took a closer look at doing business in Colombia.”
“The Americas MBA experience has been an incredibly challenging and enriching experience. Not only did I have the opportunity to learn how to better work as a member of an international team, I was also exposed to an entirely new industry: integrated facilities management. The Capstone project provided the opportunity to effectively apply many of the skills learned in the first year of the program, including my understanding of macroeconomic principles as the team took a closer look at doing business in Colombia.”
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