Marco Aurélio Gehlen é aluno da turma 8 do Americas MBA do Profuturo FIA, e é “Reliability Engineer” na Embraer desde 2014 mas atua na empresa desde 2012. EM 2016 o aluno integrou o time do Profuturo FIA na John Molson Case Competition e deu seu depoimento de como foi esta experiência:
Marco Aurélio Gehlen is an Americas MBA student at Profuturo FIA and Reliability Engineer at Embraer since 2014, working at the company since 2012. In 2016, he joined the Profuturo FIA team in the John Molson Case Competition and gives his testimony on the experience:
“A competição de resolução de cases realizada na John Molson School of Business de Montreal é um desafio que vai além das fronteiras acadêmicas e profissionais. Trata-se de um desafio pessoal. Em um ambiente extremamente competitivo, durante uma semana, cada participante vive fora de sua zona de conforto ao ter pouco tempo de preparo para defender estratégias que são extremamente estressadas por bancas de juízes experientes de todo o mundo. Ao mesmo passo, competidores de escolas de negócios renomadas buscam dar o melhor de si para apresentarem coerência na tomada de decisão, utilizando seus melhores alunos, ferramentas e métodos.
"The case resolution competition held at the John Molson School of Business in Montreal is a challenge that surpasses academic and professional boundaries. It is a personal challenge. In an extremely competitive environment for one week, participants live outside their comfort zone, having scarce preparation time to advocate strategies that are scrutinized to the extreme by panels of experienced judges from all over the world. To the same end, renowned business schools seek to give their best to present consistency in decision-making, making use of their best students, tools and methods.

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Even experienced leaders find allurement in the event to overcome themselves. Time is scarce, the showcase that exposes school and participant reputation is comprehensive and the pressure to prove oneself a strategist, make this week an intense experience. Clichés about teamwork are put to the test, bringing up cultural differences, mindsets from different backgrounds and a mixture of feelings and actions that quickly and necessarily must materialize into strategic planning for a complex issue just recently uncovered. The required combination of non-linear thinking with process-oriented thought to make it happen, make the experience even more valuable. We need to innovate and sell at the same time that implementation must be feasible (just like everyday demands), but the contest goes beyond a pressure environment one can call "day-to-day reality". 36 schools with their best students and coaches, from 19 countries, added up to more than 200 judges, all interacting, participants experience the concepts of leadership in multicultural environments, conflict management and decision-making amid uncertainty, plus a constant discomfort that only results in growth. Regardless of previous professional challenges, the John Molson Case Competition is an intense environment where learning certainly happens." (Learn more about our courses:
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