Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Dear FIA International MBA Candidates,

We are rapidly approaching the start of our 2009 International MBA Class, in just over one month.

I am very pleased to say that we are looking forward to working with a very international, well experienced and diverse group of candidates. Our group is made up of participants from the USA, France, Italy, Brazil, India, Colombia and Peru, and has an average 6 years of work experience. Industry areas represented by the candidates include IT services, oil and gas, marketing, retail, pharmaceuticals, banking and financial services, consulting, food and beverage, and agri-business.

The financial crisis that is affecting world markets is continues to have somewhat less impact on Brazil. Although export markets for commodities are down, currency fluctuations and lower energy prices are reducing the net effect, and internal domestic demand remains important, although slowing. As we saw in a recent workshop at FIA, in late December, with 3 economists and over 70 businessmen and alumni , Brazil’s GDP growth is forecast at 2.5% for 2009, fairly good when compared to -1% for the US and Europe. All in all, an exciting time to start an international MBA program and to study how companies and countries deal with turbulent times!

I look forward to seeing you in February!


James Wright


Professor James T. C. Wright, PhD.

Director - International MBA

FIA Business School

Tel 55 11 3732 3520

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