Monday, January 30, 2012

English language MBAs in Brazil attract international schools to learn more about management practices in Brazil.

FIA Business School leads the way with its full time MBA in English, and with an international program for integrating working executives from the four largest economies in the region: the Americas MBA for Executives - with FIA in Brazil, Simon Fraser University in Canada, ITAM in Mexico and Vanderbilt University in the USA. Read a newly-published article by The Economist "Samba Management", which looks at how Brazil is inspiring business schools from beyond its borders.

Program Director's comments

We begin 2012 with great expectations, mixed with some apprehension about the state of the world, and in particular the economic crisis is Europe and its impact on the global economy.

Brazil expects to grow at least 3% in 2012; a steady and safe growth; not spectacular, not speculative, but firmly based on improved income distribution continuing to drive consumer demand, international investment in local markets and in major projects, as well as a significant but moderate global demand for commodities.

In 2011, Brazil was surpassed only by China as a recipient of foreign direct investment, driving demand for jobs in projects and infrastructure, much of it stimulated by the investments for the 2014 World Cup , with 12 brand new stadiums and the required transportation and tourist infrastructure, as well as for the 2016 Olympics. Huge offshore oil findings, growing energy needs and increases in food production help fuel demand for investments and job opportunities.

PROFUTURO, our Future Studies Program supported by FIA, helped the city of São Paulo develop SP2040, a long term strategic plan designed to enhance São Paulo’s role as the center for business services and headquarters for international companies in Latin America. Maintaining its current position as the main commercial and logistic hub in South America, São Paulo aim to improve its educational system, social infrastructure and quality of life, as well as improving the climate and ease of doing business in Brazil. Numerous large and small scale business opportunities are identified and can be developed as SP2040 in implemented.

The FIA international MBAs will start our new academic year in March, with new sections in the Executive MBA, the International MBAs in English (Full Time and Part Time) as well as the Americas MBA for Executives, in partnership with Vanderbilt University (USA), Simon Fraser University (Vancouver, Canada) and ITAM in Mexico. Besides these new students, we welcome back this year four distinct classes of our current MBA students, which are going into the final part of their programs.

I look forward to seeing you in March 2012, and be prepared for a exciting and demanding experience !

A great 2012 to all !

James Wright

Monday, January 16, 2012


Evento gratuito oferecido pela Fundação Instituto de Administração.

20h00 - 20h05
Roy Martelanc (FEA/USP) e Felipe Turbuk Garran (FIA)
● Boas vindas e introdução

Edgar Perez,
Professor adjunto do Polytechnic Institute da New York University.
Foi vice presidente do Citigroup, consultor da IBM e da McKinsey & Co.
Autor do livro The Speed Traders, An Insider’s Look at the New High-Frequency Trading Phenomenon that is Transforming the Investing World.

● High-Frequency Trading (HFT) é um conjunto de ferramentas que inclui diversas estratégias que priorizam a velocidade, a baixa latência, o volume, a liquidez e estruturas temporais rápidas.

● O HFT tem sido citado como a progressão natural da tecnologia aplicada ao mundo do investimento e do trading.

● O HFT explicitou questões estruturais nos mercados acionários dos EUA, que atualmente se encontram sob exame dos legisladores e reguladores do mundo.

● Os speed traders continuarão a encontrar oportunidades de geração de alfas por meio da negociação de novas classes de ativos em novos mercados, utilizando ferramentas cada vez mais sofisticadas.

Edgar Perez.
● Perguntas e respostas.

Idioma: A apresentação será em espanhol, sem tradução simultânea. Os slides estarão em inglês.

Data e hora: 31 de janeiro de 2012 das 20h00 às 22h00

Local: FEA – USP (Cidade Universitária Armando de Sales Oliveira), Av. Professor Luciano Gualberto, 908 - Sala da Congregação, FEA 1, 1º andar - Veja mapa.

Investimento: seu tempo (sem custo de inscrição)

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