Friday, October 30, 2015

Full-time International MBA 2015: Doing Business in Brazil

Full-time International MBA 2015: Doing Business in Brazil

International MBA groupsduring an integration exercise
(Part-time, Full-time and Americas MBA)
Our Full-time International MBA group is composed predominantly of foreign students from North America, Latin America, Europe and Asia, aiming to enhance their knowledge of the Brazilian economy and improve on their international management skills through a one-year International MBA, taught in English in São Paulo, Brazil.

In 2015, as part of the "Doing Business in Brazil" subject, the group had a chance to take a closer look at local manufacturing sites and offices of major Brazilian enterprises with international operations.

Full-time International MBA at Natura
First stop was the headquarters of cosmetics multinational 'Natura', in Cajamar/SP, where the group learned more about their CSR and international business development strategies.

Next, at 'São Martinho' group's sugar cane plant in Iracemápolis/SP, the group discovered the intricacies involved in the production of ethanol fuel and raw sugar to serve changing local and global needs.

Full-time International MBA group at
Embraer's Historical Center
Concluding the series, the group enjoyed a featured visit to local aircraft manufacturer 'Embraer' in São José dos Campos/SP, gaining access to the manufacturing site and accompanied by Executive Aviation Sales executives.

More photos of the 2015 group during their visits can be found here:

In November, the group will have yet another privileged view of the challenges arising to Brazilian business and infrastructure through a featured visit to the "Itaipú" Binational Hydro Dam, in Foz do Iguaçú/PR.

2014 Full-time International MBA group at Iguaçú Falls (Arg)

The Ombudsperson for Itaipú Binational, an International Executive MBA alumnus, usually makes time to join the group for institutional presentations, Q&A, and featured visits to the power plant, Hydro Dam, Eco-museums and the Electric Vehicle pavilion.

For more information on our AMBA accredited, one-year, Full-time International MBA, offered in Brazil and taught in English, follow this link to the program hotsite:

Applications are currently open for the 2016 International MBA groups!
To apply free of charge, follow this link to the program webpage and register through the "Apply now" button:

If you'd like to contact the admissions team, please write

Posted by Joseph Pavão
International Admissions at FIA

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

FIA in Silicon Valley

FIA in Silicon Valley

In September 2015, the “International MBA” undertook a pioneer study trip to Silicon Valley and Seattle, focusing on entrepreneurship and innovation, coordinated by prof. James Wright with partners from Vanderbilt University. One of the high points in this new project is the chance to compare these two distinct entrepreneurship ecosystems, as well as their respective business models.

Usually, when we think about entrepreneurship, Silicon Valley comes to mind as the main reference. However, by starting in Seattle and getting to know the important innovative business and technology movements as well as artistic movements, such as the grunge scene, brought an interesting contrast to this vision, where companies were born and florished, such as Boeing, Starbucks, Microsoft and Amazon.

In Seattle, our program began with visits to Starbucks and Amazon. The major highlight, synthesizing conversations with both companies, was the total focus on “user experience”. At Starbucks, this is taken so seriously to the point of building a central roaster along the lines of "Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory", so that consumers and employees can witness in a playful manner the entire coffee production process. At Amazon, another interesting point was the agile way each department gathers to create distinct solutions for customers, although based on a basic internet platform, and how managers defy all with the question "Are you thinking big enough?”.

Starbucks along the lines of "Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory"

Source: Profuturo Photo Archive

On our second day, we visited Microsoft, where we were acquainted with its vision of the future regarding new technologies in a fully connected world. Check out this video:(

Also in Seattle, we visited the Bezos Innovation Center, focusing on education and stimulating innovation, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, with a vision of business efficiency oriented towards inspiring projects of high social impact.

For the second part of the trip, in the vibrant Silicon Valley environment, the group enjoyed Innovation lectures with Vanderbilt University Professor, David Owens, who led students to reflect upon the different factors on which great innovation depends. Owens also accompanied students to Stanford University’s D. School and shared his experience of working at IDEO, the most recognized design thinking company in the world.

In Silicon Valley, we had contact with the world of startups during visits to Google and Coursera, witnessing the great effort made to create informal environments that stimulate innovation, as an extension of the university environment. In fact, all companies we visited in Silicon Valley have great relationships with local universities.

Concluding our visits at HP Labs (HP's development laboratory) and Intel, where we could discuss not only the companies’ business strategies and innovation processes,  but also promising areas for the development of new technologies. Additionally, we talked with the Intel investment fund manager, responsible for investments in startups from several countries, including Brazil.

In Silicon Valley, we had an integrated view of the innovation ecosystem, from the sum of different players’ perspectives, such as startups, major technology companies, universities, investors, and even students were able to add to all of these experiences and critical discussions.

In both environments, Seattle and Silicon Valley, we visited companies that excel in their fields and possess a few common denominators: innovation in their DNA, a "maker" culture that encourages the swift validation of new ideas and prototypes, obsession with user experience and valuing errors as a critical part of the learning process, repeating at all turns the mantra "fail fast"!  

In conclusion, this pioneer study trip by a Brazilian business school to Silicon Valley consolidates FIA’s position as an innovative school, aligned with global tendencies and providing its students with the opportunity to study and experience highly innovative environments and bring new global outlooks to their professional performance.

Article by Andrea Resernde
 Assistant Professor at Profuturo-FIA
Translated by Joseph Pavão
Profuturo-FIA International Admissions

Study trip photos:
Source: Profuturo photo archive 

FIA no Vale do Silicio

FIA no Vale do Silício

Em setembro de 2015, o “International MBA” realizou uma viagem pioneira Vale do Silício e Seattle, com foco em empreendedorismo e inovação, coordenada pelo Prof. James Wright  em parceria com a Vanderbilt University.  Um dos pontos altos deste novo projeto foi a possibilidade de comparar estes dois ecossistemas distintos de empreendedorismo, e poder comparar os seus respectivos modelos e pontos de destaque.

Normalmente, quando pensamos em empreendedorismo, logo o Vale do Silício vem à mente, como principal referência. No entanto, começar a viagem por Seattle e conhecer seu importante movimento inovador em negócios, tecnologia e movimentos artísticos como a musica grunge, trouxe um interessante contraponto a essa visão, pois ali nasceram e cresceram empresas como a Boeing, Starbucks, Microsoft, Amazon e outras.

Em Seattle, o programa se iniciou com visitas à Starbucks e Amazon. A característica de maior destaque, que sintetiza as conversas com as duas empresas, foi o foco total na  “experiência do usuário”. Na Starbucks, isso é levado tão a sério que eles construíram uma central de torrefação nos moldes da “Fantástica Fábrica de Chocolates” , para que os consumidores e funcionários possam presenciar de maneira lúdica todo o processo de fabricação do café. Na Amazon, outro ponto interessante é a forma ágil como cada departamento se reúne para criar soluções distintas para os clientes, ainda que baseadas numa plataforma básica de internet, e como os gerentes sempre desafiam a todos com a pergunta “Você está pensando grande o suficiente?”.

                               Starbucks nos moldes da "Fantástica Fábrica de Chocolate"
                               Fonte: Banco de Fotos do Profuturo

No segundo dia, visitamos a Microsoft, onde pudemos conhecer sua visão de futuro em relação a novas tecnologias em um mundo totalmente conectado. ( )
Ainda em Seattle visitamos o Bezos Innovation Center, com foco em educação e estímulo a inovação e a Fundação Bill e Melinda Gates, com uma visão de eficiencia empresarial orientada a inspiradores projetos de alto impacto social.

Na segunda parte da viagem, já no vibrante ambiente do Vale do Silicio, tivemos aulas de inovação com o Professor da Vanderbilt University, David Owens, que levou os alunos a refletir sobre os diferentes fatores dos quais depende uma grande inovação. O Prof. Owens ainda acompanhou os alunos à D. School da Universidade de Stanford e compartilhou sua experiência de trabalhar na Ideo, a mais reconhecida empresa de design thinking do mundo.

No Vale do Silicio, tivemos contato com o mundo das startups durante visitas ao Google e a Coursera, e pudemos observar o grande esforço que é feito para criar ambientes informais, que estimulem a inovação, como uma continuação do espaço universitário. De fato, todas as empresas que visitamos no Vale do Silício tem grandes relações com as universidades locais. 

A vagem se encerrou com o HP Labs (o laboratório de desenvolvimento da HP) e a Intel, onde pudemos discutir não só as estratégias das empresas, seu processo de inovação, como também as áreas em que estão apostando para o desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias. Na Intel, adicionalmente, conversamos também com o gestor do fundo Intel de investimento, que investe em startups de vários países, inclusive do Brasil. 

No Vale do Silício pudemos ter uma visão integrada do ecossistema de inovação, a partir da soma da perspectiva de diferentes atores, tais como startups, grandes empresas de tecnologia, universidade, investidores e os alunos puderam somar a todas essas vivências, as discussões críticas feitas em aula.

Em ambos os ambientes, de Seattle e do Vale do Silicio, pudemos visitar empresas que se destacam em suas áreas, e que têm em comum a inovação no seu DNA, uma cultura “maker” que incentiva a validação rápida de novas ideias e protótipos, que é obcecada com a experiência do usuário e que valoriza o erro como parte do aprendizado, repetindo a todo momento a mantra “fail fast” !  

Por fim, essa viagem pioneira de uma escola brasileira ao Vale do Silício consolida a posição da FIA como uma escola inovadora, alinhada com as novas tendências mundiais, trazendo para seus alunos a oportunidade  de estudar e vivenciar ambientes de alta inovação, e trazer novas visões globais para sua atuação profissional. 

Por Andrea Resende
 Profª Assistente, Profuturo-FIA

Fotos da viagem:
Fonte: Banco de Fotos Profuturo